Uitgavegeschiedenis µTorrent

Hieronder vindt u beschrijvingen van de wijzigingen en vernieuwingen in de opeenvolgende versies van µTorrent.

µTorrent 3.4.3

µTorrent is een programma waarmee je bestanden kunt delen en downloaden. Let op dat lang niet al het materiaal op torrent-sites legaal is. Het delen van auteursrechtelijk beschermde films, muziek en software is niet toegestaan.

Vandaag is µTorrent 3.4.3 uitgebracht. Deze update brengt verbeteringen en lost fouten op. Zo zou het netwerk-verkeer van µTorrent verminderd moeten zijn. Belangrijk is dat de omstreden gebundelde software Epic Scale (een Bitcoin Miner die tijdens de installatie aangeboden werd en CPU-vermogen vergde als je je pc niet gebruikte) niet meer meegeleverd wordt met µTorrent. Dit na felle protesten van µTorrent-gebruikers.

µTorrent is te downloaden voor Windows, Mac OS X (oudere versie) en Linux.

Let heel goed op tijdens de installatie! Haal vinkjes weg voor de onnodige browserwerkbalk en verandering van zoekmachine en accepteer andere onnodige software niet! Er kunnen wel tot drie keer toe ongewenste extraatjes worden aangeboden!

Release notes:

  • New installer updates
  • Network traffic reduction
  • DHT fixes and updates
  • Update to version 3.4.3

µTorrent 3.4.2

µTorrent is een programma waarmee je bestanden kunt delen en downloaden. Let op dat lang niet al het materiaal op torrent-sites legaal is. Het delen van auteursrechtelijk beschermde films, muziek en software is niet toegestaan.

Vorige week is µTorrent 3.4.2 verschenen. Dit is een onderhoudsupdate voor de torrent-client die diverse regressies en crashes oplost. Ook is een incompatibiliteit met enkele virusscanners verholpen. Nieuwe functies zitten niet in deze uitgave. Details over de wijzigingen in deze versie kun je hieronder nalezen.

µTorrent is te downloaden voor Windows, Mac OS X (oudere versie) en Linux.

Let heel goed op tijdens de installatie! Haal vinkjes weg voor de onnodige browserwerkbalk en verandering van zoekmachine en accepteer andere onnodige software niet! Er kunnen wel tot drie keer toe ongewenste extraatjes worden aangeboden!

Release notes:

-- 2014-05-29: Version 3.4.2 (build 31515) Stable
Change: Client now indicates non-stableness with a 'B' e.g. -UT341B- in Peer ID
Fix: Resolve antivirus compatibility issues
Fix: Added information dialog after clicking on Help->Download Translation
Fix: Regression in labels feature
Fix: Crash when removing trackers with confirmation dialog enabled
Fix: DHT regression
Fix: Secondary sorting which is set by shift+click on a column header
Fix: Incorrect text in the uTorrent Remote username/password notification dialog
Fix: Crash when downloading in Compact Allocation mode
Fix: Crash parsing malformed DHT messages
Fix: Crash when writing resume file for torrent with no metadata
Fix: Crash when not removing torrents from the fairlist
Fix: Multiple other crashes
-- 2014-05-23: Version 3.4.1 (build 31395) Stable
- Added: Easy way to identify left hand advertisement as advertisement
- Fixed: Bug causing the DHT to restart

-- 2014-05-15: Version 3.4.1 (build 31227) Stable
- Added: Text to installer welcome screen
- Fixed: Settings file growing 
- Fixed: Right click a label listed in the tree and say "add", the newly added torrent won't have that label associated

-- 2014-05-07: Version 3.4.1 (build 31139) Stable
- Added: Privacy statement to featured content page
- Added: Support for dht-store feature
- Fixed: Crash
- Fixed: Problem with Bundles RSS Feed

-- 2014-04-19: Version 3.4.1 (build 30888) Stable
- Pairing improvement

µTorrent 3.4.1

µTorrent is een programma waarmee je bestanden kunt delen en downloaden. Let op dat lang niet al het materiaal op torrent-sites legaal is. Het downloaden en delen van auteursrechtelijk beschermde films, muziek en software is niet toegestaan.

µTorrent 3.4.1 is een onderhoudsupdate die diverse fouten, crashes en regressies oplost. Details over de wijzigingen in deze versie kun je hieronder nalezen.

µTorrent is te downloaden voor Windows, Mac OS X (oudere versie) en Linux.

Let heel goed op tijdens de installatie! Haal vinkjes weg voor de onnodige browserwerkbalk en verandering van zoekmachine en accepteer andere onnodige software niet! Er kunnen wel tot drie keer toe ongewenste extraatjes worden aangeboden!

Release notes:

-- 2014-04-18: Version 3.4.1 (build 30870) Stable
- no changelog

-- 2014-04-16: Version 3.4.1 (build 30833) Stable
- Fix: IEFrame crash

- Fix: Bundle systray notification
- Fix: Improved error handling of HTTPS cert errors in ads
- Fix: Crash when deleting a selected RSS feed
- Fix: Color of about box text
- Fix: Improve shutdown time

-- 2014-04-03: Version 3.4.1 (build 30768) Stable
- Fixed: Crash when adding a magnet link
- Fixed: DL button is inactive for newly added magnet
- Fixed: Trackers' list is not properly formatted when retrieved from a magnet link
- Fixed: Problem when loading a duplicate, already-loaded magnet link
-- 2014-03-28: Version 3.4.1 (build 30740) Stable
- Fixed: Webui unicode problem
- Fixed: Some crashes
- Fixed: Trackerless magnets with dht off
- Fixed: RSS feed regression
- Fixed: Change the options menu item to "Show Bundles" instead of "Show Featured Content"

µTorrent 3.4

µTorrent is een programma waarmee je bestanden kunt delen en downloaden. Let op dat lang niet al het materiaal op torrent-sites legaal is. Het delen van auteursrechtelijk beschermde films, muziek en software is niet toegestaan.

µTorrent 3.4 is gisteren uitgebracht. Dit is een grote nieuwe uitgave voor de torrent-client die onder andere heel veel fouten en crashes oplost. Verder moet µTorrent veel sneller zijn geworden doordat het selectiemechanisme bij de keuze van peers om van te downloaden sterk verbeterd is. Ten slotte belooft de ontwikkelaar dat er vaker nieuwe versies van µTorrent zullen uitkomen doordat het ontwikkelproces efficiënter is gemaakt. De vorige versie was nu vier maanden geleden verschenen. Details over de wijzigingen in deze versie kun je hieronder nalezen.

µTorrent is te downloaden voor Windows, Mac OS X (oudere versie) en Linux.

Let heel goed op tijdens de installatie! Haal vinkjes weg voor de onnodige browserwerkbalk en verandering van zoekmachine en accepteer andere onnodige software niet! Er kunnen wel tot drie keer toe ongewenste extraatjes worden aangeboden!

Release notes:

-- 2014-1-31: Version 3.4 (build 30596) Stable
-- 2014-1-31: Version 3.4 (build 30543) RC5
- Fix: Speed improvement for fast downloaders (Cache coalescing)
- Fix: Don't use so much CPU when seeding uTP (BEP40 performance improvement)
- Change: New icons for .torrent document icon
- Fix: uTorrent did not display "Moving" as a torrent status
- Change: torrent document icon is now different than uTorrent executable icon
- Change: CPU reduction during uTP download and seeding.

-- 2014-01-10: Version 3.4 (build 30460) RC4
- Fix: Crash
- Fix: Reduce binary size
- Fix: in files-tab "reset-columns does not work properly
- Fix: The visibility of scanned column in files tab is not consistent
- Fix: The information of deselected torrent remains in the tabs area
- Fix: Tree-view inside the "Add Torrent" dialogue is broken
- Fix: Making uTP connections with itself
- Fix: Strange characters in client ID being logged
- Fix: Categories #s are not synced (jobs are not all visible)
- Fix: Incorrect RSS feeds name displayed in logger
- Fix: Active number field showing up in "force recheck" status
- Fix: Streaming of mp4 files in Webui
- Changed: Add Torrent dialog was not enabled by default

-- 2013-12-24: Version 3.4 (build 30444) RC3
- Fix: Installer issue when going from 3.3.1 or before to 3.3.2 or later: infinite mutex wait
- Performance Fix: Main Torrent listview should update only when needed
- Fix: Installation issue: Run at startup not set
- Fix: The information of deselected torrent remained in the tabs area
- Change: Remove [x] next to Ads
- Fix: restore crash count information
- Change: Write more aggressively when coalesced pieces exist in cache
- Possible fix for netprofm.dll related crash, appearing after MS patch to IE 10

-- 2013-12-18: Version 3.4 (build 30429) RC2
- Fix: Incorrect text color (black) when highlighted (dark blue) on XP
- Change: point initial page for fresh install to bundles.utorrent.com (nee /current/index.html)
- Fix: Bug affecting Plus customers
- Feature: Add BitTorrent Labs icon to the status bar
- Fix: Bug in categorizing torrents may lead to some missing in UI

-- 2013-12-16: Version 3.4 (build 30428) RC1
- Fix: .torrent association problem during install on Windows 8 and later
- Feature: Add BitTorrent Labs icon to the status bar
- Feature: Add Help menu items for bundle and BitTorrent Labs
- Fix: Toolbar buttons are not activated after adding torrents
- Change: Default button in delete torrent dialog is now [OK]
- Fix: Firewall issue if running client from downloaded folder
- Change: Implement bundle badging
- Change: Implement bundle unlock toolbar
- Change: Implement bundle unlock right click menu
- Change: Implement bundle history tab
- Fix: MON-3: Search icons not showing when client first starts
- Change: Highlight the last newly added torrent
- Fix: Toolbar buttons are not activated after torrents are selected
- Feature: ADS-138: Change logging in settings to remove OpenX
- Feature: ADS-176: Keyboard shortcut to refresh ads now
- Feature: ADS-33: Overlay image when "i" is moused over
- Feature: ADS-35: Custom PDD

-- 2013-12-14: Version 3.4 (build 30409)
- Change: New Plus page hosting

-- 2013-12-09: Version 3.4 (build 30389)
- Change: The Devices panel and configured devices panels were changed to be web frames which display local web sites.

-- 2013-12-03: Version 3.4 (build 30378)
- Fix: Incorrectly applied rate limit state affected utp
- Fix: utp seeding
- Fix: gui.show_status_icon_in_dl_list was not showing status icons
- Fix: After deleting a set of torrents, others would become selected
- Change: Disable "Stream" button in torrent list. It will re-appear after extensive testing

-- 2013-11-20: Version 3.4 (build 30345)
- Tooltip for torrent error state: Display entire error text
- Feature: Simple Custom Post Download Dialog (PDD) for autoexecuted torrents from ads
- Fix: Detect all compatibility modes, not just Vista
- Change: Play button graphic changed
- Fix: Remote access feature re-enabled

-- 2013-11-19: Version 3.4 (build 30338)
- Change: Default Ad offer post download dialog text displays in user's preferred language
- Fix: Delete working copy of .torrent file
- Fix: Detect and change Vista compatibility mode on Win8

-- 2013-11-13: Version 3.4 (build 30331)
- Change: Set dpiaware flag false
- Fix: Crash in torrent display code
- Fix: Label counts were incorrect
- Fix: "Uploaded this run" in "Show Statistics" dialog was unnecessarily highlighted
- Change: "Now Playing" node moved to bottom of left-hand navigation
- Change: Language package is downloaded right after the installation
- Fix: Some memory leaks

-- 2013-11-5: Version 3.4 (build 30304)
- Fix: Crash when switching from Bundles view to torrent view
- Fix: Program icon did not show on some versions of windows
- Change: Remove "lock" icon and tooltip for signed torrents
- Fix: Crash when OnDoneChecking
- Fix: incorrect text vertical offset of custom listview label
- Fix: Ensure that the uninstall registry data is correct in all cases
- Fix: new urls for uT and lang pack download

-- 2013-10-30: Version 3.4 (build 30272)
- Change: Twitter and Facebook icons remain after clicking
- Change: Remove "lock" icon and tooltip for signed torrents
- Fix: Crash when a file is done checking
- Fix: New URLs for uT and language pack download

-- 2013-10-25: Version 3.4 (build 30267)
- Fix: Ensure that the uninstall registry data is correct in all cases

-- 2013-10-23: Version 3.4 (build 30263)
- Fix: download and language download urls

-- 2013-10-22: Version 3.4 (build 30255)
- Change: Handle update on client shutdown.
- Fix: incorrect text vertical offset of custom listview label
- Fix: Incorrect text offset for torrent name
- Change: Show client name and revision in About dialog title bar
- Change: Use pause icon in place of stop icon

-- 2013-10-18: Version 3.4 (build 30244)
- Fix: Crash when displaying "Bundles" dialog

-- 2013-10-16: Version 3.4 (build 30239)
- Change: Use the GMT timestamp when collecting autoupdate stats
- Change: Enable AUTORESTARTTIME flag in release builds
- Fix: Crash durin Ad server update
- Fix: Crash during Btapp instntiation
- Change: "Featured Content" Node is now "Bundles"

-- 2013-10-14: Version 3.4 (build 30226)
- Fix: More auto update fixes

-- 2013-10-04: Version 3.4 (build 30193)
- Improve torrent label and trusted icon drawing.
- Feature: Auto-update will install update automatically if silent_auto_updates_autorestart is enabled.
- Fix crash during installation in BunndleOfferManager
- Fix: Bad version comparison that would prevent (future) stable->beta updates
- Fix: Lots of auto-update fixes
- Change: Remove update progress dialog
- Change: Remove option to rollback from crash report dialog

- Fix: Stop button now active when a torrent is paused then client is shutdown and restarted.
- Fix: Crash at finish of installation
- Fix: Crash when settings.dat was loaded

--2013-09-18: Version 3.4 (build 30127)
- Remove the diskio.resume_min setting/feature
- Change: In RSS view, display published time in the 'Added' column. In torrent view, display the time it was added to be downloaded.
- Change: Persist the "Create Subfolder" setting in the add torrent dialog
- Fix: Installer sometimes does not set autostart flag correctly
- Fix: crash when renaming torrents
- Change: Show "Featured Content" on first run, or if no torrents loaded
- Fix: crash when refreshing GUI

--2013-09-07: Version 3.4 (build 30099)
- Improvements to crash handling
- Fix: crash on shutdown

-- 2013-08-29: Version 3.4 (build 30066)
-- Support gated bundle torrents
-- Fix: various crashes

--2013-07-22: Version 3.4 (build 29968)
- Fix: crash when updating GUI
- Fix: crash in elevating a process
- Fix: crash when formatting string

--2013-07-16: Version 3.4 (build 29956)
- Fix: crash when interacting with torrents list
- Fix: crash when updating fails

--2013-07-11: Version 3.4 (build 29923)
- Fix: crash while resetting advanced settings

--2013-07-09: Version 3.4 (build 29914)
- Change: mutable torrent UI changes
- Fix: hangs on installer

--2013-06-04: Version 3.4 (build 29780)
- Change: UI layout issues

--2013-05-31: Version 3.4 (build 29765)
- Change: suppress ads by default
- Change: update icons
- Fix: UI layout issues

--2013-05-24: Version 3.4 (build 29741)
- Change: suppress add torrent dialog by default
- Fix: Auto shutdown/restart
- Change: Revert portable mode installation UI
- Fix: duplicate entry in torrent download listview
- Fix: hash failures on slow media writing big files

--2013-04-11: Version 3.4 (build 29535)
- Fix: one more major installer crash
- Fix: sometimes the no-torrents pane would not go away when adding a torrent

--2013-04-11: Version 3.4 (build 29527)
- Fix: crash on auto-update check
- Fix: crash on startup
- Fix: upload rate limiter issue

--2013-04-09: Version 3.4 (build 29513)
- Fix: Issue running previous versions after running 3.4
- Fix: Crash requesting new pieces from HTTP peers
- Fix: Skipped file allocation
- Fix: Failure downloading torrents with directory names ending in "..."
- Fix: Crash enabling and disabling coalesce setting
- Fix: Fixed/improved peer choaking/unchoking.

--2013-03-22: Version 3.4 (build 29382)
- Fix: fix crash when using &ws= fields in magnet links
- Fix: Use unique keyboard accelerator for "Set Destination Name"
- Fix: crash when adjusting uTP send/receive buffer size
- Change: Improve uTP performance on fast connections by increasing its buffer sizes

--2013-03-14: Version 3.4 (build 29336)
- Change: Faster download of magnet link data
- Fix: top crash in previous build

--2013-03-12: Version 3.4 (build 29315)
- Fix: Proper update notifications reflecting preferences
- Fix: Fix auto-update shutdown crash
- Change: removed pause-button from toolbar (it's still in the context menu if you need it)
- Fix bug: Incorrect directory if wndaddpre is disabled
- Change: Improve uTP performance on fast connections by increasing its buffer sizes
- Enhanced DHT lookup process to be faster by maintaining queries to the closest 4 nodes as replies are received for get_peers queries (and ignoring the 4 outstanding query limit)
- Fix: Occasional crash sending more than 15 comments
- Fix: Duplicate device names for android devices
- Fix: Shutdown/restart after downloads complete records torrent state more reliably
- Fix: fix flushing of completed pieces immediately
- Fix: fix gdi leak when resizing window
- Fix: fix disk flushing not being triggered every time it should be
- Feature: add "play" as a double click action
- Fix: DHT announce performance issue corrected
- Fix: upload rate-limiter issue
- Change: make progress bars not have rounded corners
- Fix: Crash when adding magnet links
- Fix: disk write coalesce issue
- Fix: disk flushing issues

--2013-01-18: Version 3.4 (build 28937)
- Fix: crash when adding .torrent file to a magnet link
- Fix: Fix crash cause by deleting checker during pause
- Fix: Make "Notify me before installing updates" setting persistent
- Fix: Prevent automatic recreation of parent path on write operations when the parent goes away (eg: when mount point dissapears)
- Fix: Crash/assert in the header accelerator when a streamable torrent goes in to error state (eg: drive is unmounted)
- Fix: hanging problems if users cancel the installation
- Change: Show warning messages when trying to open converted files of 10 more torrents
- Fix potential TorrentFile object leak.

--2013-01-07: Version 3.4 (build 28869)
- Fix DhtImpl::ParseIncommingICMP to correctly look up the transaction ID and finish handling an ICMP response to a dht query
- Fix DhtImpl::OnGootStrapPingReply to detect the error condition to a ping reply and not treat it as successfull
- Fix: Web seeds had unusually long timeouts to reconnect when we encountered
the server request limit.
- Fix: Filter torrents immediately after we switch searchbox to "filtering" mode
- Change: increase the default DHT rate limit (to improve DHT lookup times)
- Remove Feature: "Simplified" torrent list view
- Feature: optimize DHT lookup times
- Fix: Various Plus activation errors and UI bugs
- Fix: don't warn about torrents not being done uploading when explicitly stopped
- Change: Remove the count of the parent "Labels" node
- Fix: De-select all torrents when changing category
- Fix: minor memory leak in search box
- Fix: minor memory leak when distributed cache is enabled
- Fix: crash when terminating IE frame
- Fix: crash when loading resume.dat with missing .torrent files
- Fix: crash in installer
- Fix: Spinning arrows flicker when resizing add torrent dialogs
- Fix: division by zero in mkv parser
- Fix: crash when detecting plugged in phone while shutting down

-- 2012-12-14: Version 3.4 alpha (build 28762)
- Fix: optimize part file read pattern
- Change: Change crash dialog to allow crash dump submission while not restarting the client
- Change: Clean up Preferences > General formatting and update group labels
- Feature: Add "Notify me before installing updates" to Preferences > General
- Remove use of error prone locking primitives
- Fix: search provider URLs support %s again
- Fix: Allow creation and seeding of read-only files by not truncating to size if the size is already correct
- Fix: Web seeds now support redirecting individual files
- Fix: RSS feeds refresh issues
- Fix: tracker announce request when torrent doesn't have metadata
- Fix auto-update version verification bug
- Cross fasde from current ad to new ad in LREC
- Make background color variable from alt-text for LREC
- Fix Correct LHR hit testing
- Fix:Support variable size images n LREC

-- 2012-11-30: Version 3.4 alpha (build 28659)
- Fix: lower metadata download timeout from 2 minutes to 15 seconds to speed up magnet link retrieval
- Fix: gratuitous disk flush latency (especially obvious when downloading magnet links)
- Fix: Installation of btinstall files

-- 2012-11-26: Version 3.4 alpha (build 28604)
- Fix: Installation of btinstall files

-- 2012-11-19: Version 3.4 alpha (build 28577)
- Fix: rare crash in udp tracker code
- Change: Return install elevation

-- 2012-11-15: Version 3.4 alpha (build 28556)
- Fix: Uninstall elevation issue issue
- Fix: XP path relocation issue
- Fix: Win7: Pinning utorrent to takbar and then clicking taskbar button should open, not minimize
- Fix: Columns in main list view were offset
- Fix: Install / Uninstall race condition
- Change: Control-f switches the search box to a torrent filter
- Feature: canonical peer priority
- Fix: some timer wrapper issues
- Fix: peer ID bug causing disconnects
- Fix: Crash in speed test dialog
- Fix: Crash in gui
- Fix: Desktop and start menu shortcut creation was broken

-- 2012-11-05: Version 3.4 alpha (build 28462)
- Feature: include an option for automatic update
- Change: install without UAC prompt
- Fix: unchecking files in add torrent dialog was broken
- Fix: potential crash when anti-virus scanning would fail
- Fix: Malformed web seed HTTP requests for files with spaces in their name
- Fix: Language files downloading issue in BitTorrent
- Change: Include all trackers in "Copy Magnet URI" command, not just the first tier
- Fix: existing files would not be re-checked when adding a resolved magnet link in add torrent dialog
- Fix: remove redundant virus warning
- Feature: re-use data from previously downloaded torrents
- Change: improve status message for magnet links that need DHT when DHT is disabled
- Fix: make Force Recheck circumvent file timestamp optimization (to actually force a recheck)
- Fix: disable comment fields when disabling comment support

µTorrent 3.3.2

µTorrent is een programma waarmee je bestanden kunt delen en downloaden. Let op dat lang niet al het materiaal op torrent-sites legaal is. Het delen van auteursrechtelijk beschermde films, muziek en software is niet toegestaan.

µTorrent 3.3.2 is gisteren uitgebracht. De voornaamste doelstelling in deze versie van de populaire torrent-client was om de stabiliteit te vergroten en zoveel mogelijk foutjes op te lossen. Daartoe zijn heel veel crashes en vastlopers van het programma gerepareerd. Dit zou dus een hele robuuste uitgave van µTorrent moeten zijn. Verder is het update-mechanisme verbeterd. Details over de wijzigingen in deze versie kun je hieronder nalezen.

µTorrent is te downloaden voor Windows, Mac OS X (oudere versie) en Linux.

Let heel goed op tijdens de installatie! Haal vinkjes weg voor de onnodige browserwerkbalk en verandering van zoekmachine en accepteer andere onnodige software niet! Er kunnen wel tot drie keer toe ongewenste extraatjes worden aangeboden!

Release notes:

--2013-10-04 Stable (build 30180)

--2013-9-30 RC6 (build 30171)
-Fix: Localization problem in "back" button

--2013-9-27 RC5 (build 30164)
-Fix: Fixed crash at shutdown

--2013-9-24 RC4 (build 30148)
-Fix: FT blue info button does not show
-Fix: search box selection should not change if set by user

--2013-9-19 RC3 (build 30131)
-Fix: Crash during installation

--2013-9-17 RC2 (build 30122)
- Fix: Crash in auto-updater
- Change: Better state handling of update mechanism
- Fix:  Stop button now active when a torrent is paused then client is shutdown and restarted.
- Fix:  Crash at finish of installation
- Fix:  Crash when settings.dat was loaded
- Fix:  Persist the Create Subfolder setting within the add torrent dialog

--2013-9-13 RC1 (build 30111)
- Change: In RSS view, display published time in the 'Added' column. In torrent view, display the time it was
  when the torrent was added be downloaded.
- Change: Improved update mechanism

--2013-9-12 (build 30105)
- Fix: Crash introduced in previous build

--2013-9-11 (build 30100)
- Fix:  Race condition during update
- Fix:  Certain disk-full error handled properly
- Change:  Remove option to rollback from crash report dialog
- Fix: Crash when checking for updates
- Reverted hang process dialog introduced in previous build
- Fix:  Run on startup if unchecked during install was not honored (autostart always on)

--2013-9-06 (build 30092)
- Fix separator line is now added for blank lines in search list...multiple blank lines are collapsed to one separator
- Fix multiple crashes in installer on Windows Vista and later machines
- Allow user stop a hanging uTorrent process via a dialog

--2013-8-28 (build 30067)
- Fix crash on startup

--2013-8-28 (build 30062)
- Fix crash on XP during autoupdate
- Fix crash during startup
- Fix problem where client downloaded but didn't automatically run update
- Fix certificate issue with older XP versions.
- Fix crash when deleting torrent files.

--2013-7-29:  Version 3.3.2 beta (build 29976)
- Fix:  Multiple crash fixes
- Fix:  Icon not showing on XP

--2013-7-15:  Version 3.3.2 beta (build 29944)
- Fix:  Multiple crashes on toolbar offer screen

--2013-7-12:  Version 3.3.2 beta (build 29930)
- Fix: When a .torrent-file gets downloaded and renamed from a magnet link and you cancel the Add New Torrent-dialog. it doesn't remove the .torrent-file.
- Fix: Multiple crashes in internal IE frame
- Fix: Crash in autoupdate progress dialog on XP (removed dialog completely on all platforms)
- Fix: Removed program location and moved checkboxes up on Install Options installer screen.

--2013-6-13: Version 3.3.2 beta (build 29806)
- Fix: Crash when featured content pane is selected and offer clicked
- Fix: Properly attribute clicks to correct window within client

--2013-6-05: Version 3.3.2 beta (build 29786)
- Fix: Installer fails to shut  down running client during upgrade

--2013-6-03: Version 3.3.2 beta (build 29772)
- Fix: Crashes related to new offer display code

--2013-05-28: Version 3.3.2 beta (build 29742)
- Initial Beta launch for 3.3.2

µTorrent 3.3.1

µTorrent is een programma waarmee je bestanden kunt delen en downloaden. Let op dat lang niet al het materiaal op torrent-sites legaal is. Het delen van auteursrechtelijk beschermde films, muziek en software is niet toegestaan.

µTorrent 3.3.1 is gisteren verschenen. Deze versie van de populaire torrent-client brengt één belangrijke vernieuwing: µTorrent beschikt nu over een automatische update-functie, zodat gebruikers niet steeds zelf de nieuwe versie hoeven te downloaden.

Verder is de interface verder gestroomlijnd en zijn heel veel crashes gerepareerd en fouten verholpen. Details kun je hieronder nalezen.

µTorrent is te downloaden voor Windows, Mac OS X (oudere versie) en Linux.

Let heel goed op tijdens de installatie! Haal vinkjes weg voor de onnodige browserwerkbalk en verandering van zoekmachine en accepteer andere onnodige software niet! Er kunnen wel tot drie keer toe ongewenste extraatjes worden aangeboden!

Release notes:

µTorrent 3.3.1: Automatic updating, fit-and-finish improvements

µTorrent 3.3.1 joins the list of modern software that's enabling silent, automatic updating.  This means that stability improvements, small features and performance enhancements can be passed on without the need for upfront steps by the user.

Among other minor changes for this point release is improved overall fit and finish of the UI. This was achieved through many small adjustments including consolidation of icons, improvement in image quality, and removal of unnecessary lines and spaces.  The cumulative result is a less distracting, more organized look that preserves the user experience you're used to.

In addition, we made numerous crash, stability and other improvements (examples: checked 0.0%, rate limiter, increased magnet link size, crash fix in the Plus player).


--2013-06-13: Version 3.3.1 (build 29812)
- Fix: Installer shutdown issue
--2013-05-21: Version 3.3.1 (build 29719)
- Fix: Install crash
--2013-05-20: Version 3.3.1 (build 29710)
- Change: Checkbox caption.
--2013-05-16: Version 3.3.1 RC 1 (build 29704)
--2013-05-16: Version 3.3.1 (build 29698)
- Fix: Crash at the end of install
--2013-05-16: Version 3.3.1 (build 29692)
- Fix: Client stability
--2013-05-14: Version 3.3.1 (build 29689)
- Change: Changes to installer screen
- Fix: Auto shutdown/restart
--2013-05-10: Version 3.3.1 (build 29678)
- Change: Show build revision in About title
- Fix: Regression - display torrent information as soon as user selects different torrent
- Change: Show installer on autoupdate from pre-3.3.1 builds to 3.3.1
- Fix: Issues updating from pre-3.3.1 builds to 3.3.1
- Fix: Crash for downgrade when install canceled
--2013-05-06: Version 3.3.1 (build 29638)
- Change: Revert portable mode installation UI
- Change: Show installer on autoupdate from pre-3.3.1 builds to 3.3.1
- Fix: Issues updating from pre-3.3.1 builds to 3.3.1
- Fix: Crash for downgrade when install canceled
--2013-04-24: Version 3.3.1 (build 29594)
- Fix: Choose the best version for crash rollback
- Fix: Don't show updates already present if running downgrade
- Fix: Installer showing in some cases for current version
- Fix: Don't show "default torrent application" dialog on upgrade / downgrade
- Change: Change layout of Create New Torrent dialog
- Fix: Re-enable portable mode installation for removable drives
- Fix: Blank Torrent information area - selected torrent inconsistent
- Fix: one case of hang on shutdown
- Fix: Save settings for related tab and confirm when deleting trackers
- Fix: Fix "can't connect" status icon
--2013-04-22: Version 3.3.1 (build 29579)
- Fix: Don't store version in \updates if install canceled
- Fix: Fix rollback for clients crashing 3+ times
- Fix: Crash when adding torrents which include empty files
- Fix: Force check of multiple torrents
- Fix: Recheck failure with skipped files
- Fix: Fix torrent association issue
--2013-04-18: Version 3.3.1 (build 29569)
- Fix: Change default utorrent disk cache size to mitigate "Disk overload" condition
--2013-04-17: Version 3.3.1 (build 29565)
- Change: Prompt to roll back version after repeated crashes
- Fix: upload rate limiter issue
--2013-04-10: Version 3.3.1 (build 29525)
- Fix: "Checked 0.0%" bug
- Change: Add safety net to prevent constant respawning
- Fix: Issues running install when client is already installed
- Fix regression: color of utorrent progress bar
- Fix: Crash when playing media files in BitTorrent Plus
--2013-04-05: Version 3.3.1 (build 29472)
- Fix: Gracefully handle verification failures for downloaded updates
- Change: Updated exes now have readable names
- Fix: Issue caused by deleting exes in updates directory
- Fix: Crash verifying downloaded update
- Fix: bland add on time for rss feed entry.
- Fix: Skipped file allocation
- Fix: Crash toggling disk write coalescing settings
- Fix: Fixed/improved peer choaking/unchoking.
- Fix: Use unique keyboard accelerator for "Set Destination Name"
- Change: Add the progress dialog for manual update
--2013-03-29: Version 3.3.1 (build 29438)
- Known issue:Temporary change to autoupdate dialog (beta only)
- Increase magnet link size limit
- Adjust "Corked jobs text"
- Removed unused settings
- Fix peer unchoking bug / speed up some swarms
- Fix: Don't create skipped files on disk for files we are not downloading
- Added a progress dialog for manual updates
- "Added On" time was sometimes blank for RSS feed entries
--2013-03-13: Version 3.3.1 (build 29335)
- Fix: Don't delete metadata file if it doesn't exist
- Fix: Don't redownload updates. Prompt for restart if newer version already downloaded
--2013-03-11: Version 3.3.1 (build 29301)
- Fix bug: Incorrect directory if wndaddpre is disabled
- Change: Provide initial notification about automatic updates
- Fix: Installer hangs while offline
- Change: Uninstall older clients on update to 3.3.1+
- Fix: Remove 2nd uninstall entry when updating from older clients
- Fix: Client not starting after update
--2013-02-26: Version 3.3.1 (build 29213)
- Fix: crash in the installer
- Change: Add new metadata entries to create torrent dialog
- Change: Add new 'related' tab containing new torrent metadata
--2013-02-21: Version 3.3.1 (build 29163)
- Fix: Rss will only download items with urls which are magnets or ending in .torrent
- Change: Update main utorrent icon
--2013-02-20: Version 3.3.1 (build 29154)
- Fix: Crash when updating on Windows XP
- Fix: Duplicate device names for android devices
--2013-02-19: Version 3.3.1 (build 29148)
- Fix: Occasional crash sending more than 15 comments
- Fix: Inactive memory leak
- Fix: Crash when updates.dat is removed
- Fix: Remove data when "Delete .torrent + Data" is selected
- Fix: Shutdown/restart after downloads complete records torrent state more reliably
- Fix: gdi leak in add torrent dialog and devices pane
- Fix: remove torrent dialog, default to 'ok'
--2013-02-11: Version 3.3.1 (build 29105)
- Change: Merge in silent auto-update code
- Fix: fix flushing of completed pieces immediately
- Fix: gdi leak when resizing window
- Fix: fix disk flushing not being triggered every time it should be

µTorrent 3.3

µTorrent is een programma waarmee je bestanden kunt delen en downloaden. Let op dat lang niet al het materiaal op torrent-sites legaal is. Het delen van auteursrechtelijk beschermde films, muziek en software is niet toegestaan.

µTorrent 3.3 is gisteren uitgebracht. Deze versie van de populaire torrent-client verbetert significant de prestaties en stroomlijnt de interface door weinig gebruikte functies, zoals de apps, te schrappen.

µTorrent is te downloaden voor Windows, Mac OS X (oudere versie) en Linux.

Let heel goed op tijdens de installatie! Haal vinkjes weg voor de onnodige browserwerkbalk en verandering van zoekmachine en accepteer andere onnodige software niet! Er kunnen wel tot drie keer toe ongewenste extraatjes worden aangeboden!

Release notes:

µTorrent 3.3: Performance and streamlining headline list of improvements
µTorrent 3.3 gets a dramatic rewrite to its disk i/o, which means noticeable performance gains in multi-tasking.  For example, you can delete files from a torrent or move torrents to a new location, but without the usual slow-down in torrent downloading.  Or, download torrents to two different drives, but with the speed of downloading to a single drive. You'll notice gains at both low and high speeds, and whether you're writing to local disk, a RAID or a network drive.  You'll also experience improvements to the disk subsystem and rate limiter.

Next, we streamlined µTorrent features by eliminating underused and non-core features, including Apps and Find Content, the dual list view and the "getting started" tab.

Finally, we made a few bug fixes including a fix that noticeably speeds up the rendering of magnet links.

µTorrent 3.2.2

µTorrent is een programma waarmee je bestanden kunt delen en downloaden. Let op dat lang niet al het materiaal op torrent-sites legaal is. Het delen van auteursrechtelijk beschermde films, muziek en software is niet toegestaan.

µTorrent 3.2.2 is gisteren uitgebracht. In deze versie van de populaire torrent-client zijn diverse crashes en fouten opgelost. Ook is de ondersteuning voor Windows 8 verbeterd. Verder zijn diverse wijzigingen aangebracht in de dialoogvensters om torrents toe te voegen.

µTorrent is te downloaden voor Windows, Mac OS X (oudere versie) en Linux.

Let heel goed op tijdens de installatie! Haal vinkjes weg voor de onnodige browserwerkbalk en verandering van zoekmachine en accepteer andere onnodige software niet! Er kunnen wel tot drie keer toe ongewenste extraatjes worden aangeboden!

Release notes:
Release highlights for µTorrent 3.2.2 include:

- Fixed peer ID bug causing disconnects
- Windows-8 compatible
- New offer platform displays in-client offers from BitTorrent and software partners
- Fixed crashes in "add torrent" dialog and numerous other crash fixes
- Numerous bug fixes
- Small improvements to magnet link handling
- OK/Cancel moved to bottom right of add torrent dialog
- Twitter/Facebook icons - click to like and/or dismiss
Add torrent dialog changes:
- Add Torrent dialog displays magnet link data
- Layout changed to display more files at once
- Fixed discrepancy between single and multi-file torrent save directories

µTorrent 3.2.1

µTorrent is een programma waarmee je bestanden kunt delen en downloaden. Let op dat lang niet al het materiaal op torrent-sites legaal is. Het delen van auteursrechtelijk beschermde films, muziek en software is niet toegestaan.

µTorrent 3.2.1 is deze maand verschenen. Veel nieuwe functionaliteit zit niet in deze uitgave van de populaire torrent-client, maar wel worden tientallen fouten gerepareerd. Ook is µTorrent 3.2.1 geschikt voor Windows 8 en is het makkelijker om torrents toe te voegen. Alle details over de wijzigingen kun je hieronder nalezen.

µTorrent is te downloaden voor Windows, Mac OS X (oudere versie) en Linux.

Let heel goed op tijdens de installatie! Haal vinkjes weg voor de onnodige browserwerkbalk en verandering van zoekmachine en accepteer andere onnodige software niet! Er kunnen wel tot drie keer toe ongewenste extraatjes worden aangeboden!

Release notes:

Focus of 3.2.1:
- Windows 8 Support
- Add Torrent Dialog improvements

Changes from 3.2.0:

-- 2012-10-02: 3.2.1 RC 2 (build 28086)
- Fix: memory corruption bug

-- 2012-09-26: 3.2.1 RC 1 (build 28025)
- Change: Stick "Don't show this again" checkbox to bottom of Add Torrent dialog

--2012-09-24: Version 3.2.1 Beta 7 (build 28012)
- Fix: "offer_enabled" settings in advanced preferences
- Fix: OK/Cancel buttons disappeared after resizing the Add torrent dialog horizontally
- Fix: installer would always show up when running in stand-alone mode from a drive other than C:\
- Fix: Crash fixes - RSS Feeds, Startup, Add Torrent Dialog

-- 2012-09-21: Version 3.2.1 Beta 6 (build 27999)
- Fix: Adding the first torrent via magnet link doesn't refresh the torrent list
- Fix: magnet link files were being added to parent of desired dl dir, when not using add dialog
- Fix: magnet link crash
- Fix: AV colum crash
- Change: In-client offers present for the first time in-client. Offers will promote other products/technologies from µTorrent/BitTorrent and partners.  Clicking X in offer will advance to the next available offer until no more offers are available, after which the offer space will close for a period of time.  The offer unit can be disabled entirely in Options/Preferences/Advanced and search for sponsored_torrent_offer_enabled (BUG: This "off" setting isn't working as designed - will be operable in near future). Filter for sponsored_torrent_offer_enabled. (Note: this entry was not in the original post on 9/21, was added on 9/23.)
- Change: Move Ok and Cancel buttons to the bottom right corner of the Add Torrent Dialog

-- 2012-09-19: Version 3.2.1 Beta 5 (build 27972)
- Change: Invert the sense of the Delete Torrent dialog
- Fix: Various crash fixes

-- 2012-09-14: Version 3.2.1 Beta 4 (build 27950)
- Fix: crash fixes in add torrent dialog

-- 2012-09-13: Version 3.2.1 Beta 3 (build 27941)
- Fix: don't execute commands on background/hidden torrents (for instance in the add torrent dialog)
- Fix: torrent order issue with magnet links
- Fix: multi-file magnet links are now correctly downloaded into a directory with the torrent's name
- Fix: "add at top of queue" checkbox now works for magnet links
- Feature: don't use a consistent peer-id (to mitigate tracking)
- Fix: On slow connections, the toolbar offer might arrive after the user had
       checked or unchecked boxes on the offer page. That would cause the
       checkboxes to be reset to the default state, incorrectly installing an

-- 2012-08-08: Version 3.2.1 Beta 2 (build 27718)
- New layout of the Add Torrent Dialog
- Feature: never try a tracker again if it returns status code 410
- Change: add tracker.ccc.de as a default tracker
- Fix: don't write the block list in a part file in 4-byte increments

-- 2012-07-17: Version 3.2.1 Beta 1 (build 27605)
- Fix: Seeing while streaming in Chrome
- Change: Disk I/O error logging
- Change: Disable unbuffered I/O
- Fix: Broadcast new UPnP IP when switching networks
- Fix: When downloading magnet metadata, don't start torrent unless user chose that option
- Fix: Resetting columns in detail listview would crash
- Fix: Crash when peer cancelled a piece
- Change: net.friendly_name (upnp network name) advanced option
- Fix: Crash when writing magnet torrent file to disk
- Feature: Advanced Settings filter
- Feature: Convert http trackers to udp by default
- Fix: Incorrect http requests were causing some RSS feeds to not download

-- 2012-06-26: Version 3.2.1 Beta 1 (build 27554)
- Fix: Single file magnet links were missing file extensions
- Fix: Single file torrents were missing
- Fix: Magnets would be added in stopped state
- Change: If we changed the torrent name before the metadata completed in the "add torrent"
          dialog, those changes would not be applied to the torrent; the name field will
          disabled while the magnet data is downloading util that's changed.
- Fix: Saving a torrent in the root of a drive (e.g. "X:") would save into the "add torrent"
       history list as "X:" instead of "X:\" [Note: This fix is not yet complete]
- Change: don't allow empty names in add torrent dialog

µTorrent 3.2 27547

µTorrent is een programma waarmee je bestanden kunt delen en downloaden. Let op dat lang niet al het materiaal op torrent-sites legaal is. Het delen van auteursrechtelijk beschermde films, muziek en software is niet toegestaan.

µTorrent 3.2 is vandaag uitgebracht. Veel nieuwe functionaliteit zit niet in deze uitgave van de populaire torrent-client, maar wel worden er honderden bugs gerepareerd. Ook gebruikt µTorrent 3.2 minder processorkracht. Alle detials over de wijzigingen kun je hieronder nalezen.

µTorrent is te downloaden voor Windows, Mac OS X (oudere versie) en Linux.

Let heel goed op tijdens de installatie! Haal vinkjes weg voor de onnodige browserwerkbalk en verandering van zoekmachine en accepteer andere onnodige software niet! Er kunnen wel tot drie keer toe ongewenste extraatjes worden aangeboden!

Release notes:

-- 2012-06-29: Version 3.2 Release Candidate 8 (build 27547)
- Fix: Crash when resetting detail listview via context menu
- Change: When downloading metadata in Add Torrent dialog, display "Waiting for Torrent Information"
- Fix: We were accidentally pre-allocating files in the default download location for
       magnet links that fully resolved while in the Add Torrent dialog
- Change: completely disabled unbuffered I/O

-- 2012-06-26: Version 3.2 Release Candidate 7 (build 27522)
- Fix: Improved disk I/O error logging
- Fix: Movie seeking in chrome browser, allow caching
- Feature: Enable content offer delivery via torrent
- Fix: Use correct save directory for single file mangnet link if metadata loads in Add Torrent dialog
- Fix: Apply "Name" field from Add Torrent dialog to single-file torrents

-- 2012-06-26: Version 3.2 Release Candidate 6 (build 27503)
- Fix: Single-file torrent name issue; ut would try to use the directory name as the file name
- Fix: Issues caused by multiple send2friend dialogs
- Fix: update UPnP reported IP at 1 second intervals
- Fix: fixed bugs in local socket rate limiting including overflow.
- Fix: fixed parsing resolution in .mov and .mp4 video header with multiple tracks

-- 2012-06-22: Version 3.2 Release Candidate 5 (build 27480)
- Fix: crash when disconnecting device while in conversions view
- Fix: Don't accidentally "run program" when loading a magnet link in "Add Torrent" dialog
- Performance: Take advantage of buffered I/O in all diskio thread file operations. Should work better on Samba shares.
- Fix: Bugs caused by showing a file chooser dialog for single file torrents in the "Add Torrent" dialog
- Feature: support BitTorrent/uTorrent Remote registration via HTTP interface

-- 2012-06-18: Version 3.2 Release Candidate 4 (build 27434)
- Fix: crash in mkv parser
- Fix: possible crash when starting up magnet links and downloading metadata from multiple peers
- Fix:  "Add Torrent" dialog was wrongly adding a folder single-file-torrent download paths
        when user changed file location via "save-as" dialog

-- 2012-06-15: Version 3.2 Release Candidate 3 (build 27430)
- Fix: various crashes

-- 2012-06-13: Version 3.2 Release Candidate 2 (build 27399)
- Fix: torrent will be force-started even if user uncheck the start torrent option in add torrent dialog
- Fix: crash in metadata parser
- Fix: SspiEnableHttpsServer crash
- Fix: crash in webui
- Fix: crash when receiving last block of magnet metadata
- Fix: Constant UPnP log message
- Change: Device paiing
- Fix: tiny utp leak

-- 2012-06-05: Version 3.2 Release Candidate 1 (build 27343)
- Fix: fix dht vote announce issue
- Fix: internet explorer legacy toolbar pairing, was failing to pair
- Fix: make the toolbar pairing dialog become the foreground window, while pairing
- Fix: crash when opening containing folder for too many torrents
- Feature: when opening magnet link, improve 'chasing arrows' icon
- Fix: Toolbar pairing works again, was broken in 3.2
- Fix: removed codec column from torrent list
- Fix: improved file access - memory efficient file I/O
- Feature: added new BitTorrent Certified device icons and text
- Fix: startup crash when settings.dat was corrupt

-- 2012-05-29: Version 3.2 beta (build 27295)
- Fix: lack of window frame for popped-out video
- Fix: issue where http streaming proxy would linger after the connection was closed
- Fix: many asserts and crashes
- Fix: allow probing of file size in the loose file server with an aborted get

-- 2012-05-23: Version 3.2 beta (build 27272)
- Fix: video slider steps should be small for fine control and visual smoothness
- Fix: fixed lack of window frame for popped-out video; returning to embedded video works fine too;
- Fix: heap corruption
- Fix: Fix rendering of stats dialog. First line was formatted as header text.
- Feature: minimal support for pad-files (deselect them by default)
- Fix: Improperly formatted torrent vote messages
- Fix: Only request IPV4 addresses for udp tracker DNS resolution
- Feature: sanity check on how many uTP connections we allow
- Feature: retry http connection when host resolves into multiple ips and the first fails

-- 2012-05-17: Version 3.2 beta (build 27239)
- Fix: Improperly formatted torrent vote messages

-- 2012-05-17: Version 3.2 beta (build 27237)
- Fix: Only request IPv4 addresses for udp tracker DNS resolution
- Fix: (potentially) 3 different crashes

-- 2012-05-15: Version 3.2 beta (build 27226)
- Fix: Bad outgoing request_peer DHT message when filename length over 100
- Change: uTP now uses a retransmit counter rather than a timer for killing connections with packet loss.
- Fix: Fixed not sending MTU probes.
- Fix: fixed savedir issue for magnet links that was resolved in the add torrent dialog
- Fix: possible deadlock when reporting a hang
- Change: Do torrent deletes before other kinds of work

-- 2012-05-11: Version 3.2 beta (build 27215)
- Fix: force-started magnet links would be stopped after metadata was received
- Fix: top crash

-- 2012-05-10: Version 3.2 beta (build 27198)
- Fix: remove bad asserts
- Feature: add mark of the web to files we download (diskio.mark_of_the_web)

-- 2012-05-09: Version 3.2 beta (build 27191)
- Fix: issue where uTorrent would not make outgoing connections under certain circumstances
- Fix: magnet links would not have a correct added-on date
- Change: rewritten UPnP code backported from 3.3

-- 2012-05-07: Version 3.2 beta (build 27180)
- Fix: memory leaks
- Fix magnet related crash in Add torrent dialog
- Fix: possible crashes
- Fix: disable check for updates while we are installing or downloading plus to avoid problems

-- 2012-05-01: Version 3.2 beta (build 27138)
- Fix: deadlock

-- 2012-04-30: Version 3.2 beta (build 27133)
- Fix: possible hang on shutdown (disk thread would exit prematurely)
- Fix: top crash from previous build
- Fix: status bar wouldn't show when plus key was about to expire
- Fix: µTorrent would warn about magnet links with DHT disabled on every startup

-- 2012-04-26: Version 3.2 beta (build 27119)
- Fix: various webui backend fixes
- Fix: various pairing issues

-- 2012-04-23: Version 3.2 beta (build 27097)
- Fix: Fixes to parsing the following filetypes: MKV, AVI, mp3
- Fix: Update AV license key and add UI to handle virus definition update fail
- Change: update MIME type for *.mp4, *.m4a
- Fix: Recognize jpeg extension
- Fix: Fix uTP delay graph
- Feature: Magnet link preload in "Add torrent" dialog
- Change: Report utorrent version on port 10000 (webui)
- Fix: UI fix to built in player bottom bar
- Fix: Picking "Show In Folder" on a transcoded torrent now works.
- Fix: Add torrent window now remembers its location.
- Fix: paths would be wrong with magnet links in Add Torrent dialog
- Fix: several crashes
- Feature: add What's New app
- Feature: add device unpairing dialog to settings

-- 2012-04-09: Version 3.2 beta (build 27026)
- Fix: one more case where settings.dat could grow indefinitely
Existing settings.dat are broken. Please delete settings.dat and settings.dat.old from your settings directory.

-- 2012-04-06: Version 3.2 beta (build 27020)
- Fix: rapidly growing settings.dat
- Fix: fix issue that could make settings.dat grow indefinitely (slowly)
- Fix: top crash from previous build

-- 2012-03-30: Version 3.2 beta (build 26986)
- Fix: crash while loading converted media files at startup
- Change: WebUI port now accepts https
- Change: installer refactored for cleaner code
- Fix: the top crash from the previous build

-- 2012-03-22: Version 3.2 beta (build 26934)
- Fix: the DHT enable dialog when adding magnet links that require it now also sets "use DHT for new torrents"
- Change: DHT is automatically enabled for magnet links that requires it, when torrents are added silently
- Fix: fixed toolbar for RSS feeds
- Fix: fixed crash when adding torrents in plus mode
- Change: clean up semantics around download location. The download location is now the root folder, independent on multifile torrent or not
- Fix: improved the speed of loading a torrent with a large number of files
- Fix: shutdown hang introduced in 3.2 beta
- Fix: toolbar didn't update while no torrents pane showed up

-- 2012-03-20: Version 3.2 beta (build 26904)
- Fix: fixed very long btapp descriptions from overflowing permissions dialog
- Feature: Warn when adding a trackerless magnet link and DHT is disabled
- Fix: fixed bug where torrents would sometimes not move files or execute commands upon finishing
- Fix: Fix crashes caused by media state callback conflicting with changes to media tree

-- 2012-03-15: Version 3.2 beta (build 26883)
- Fix: Disable "Can't connect to Remote" messages.
- Fix: fixed shutdown hang with active UDP trackers
- Fix: improve error messages around transcoding

-- 2012-03-12: Version 3.2 beta (build 26850)
- Fix: Missing upload slot when extra uploads is on
- Fix: Dialog tab orders
- Fix: fixed auto-copying files to devices/iTunes while they are being downloaded
- Feature: Display allocating status of torrents
- Fix: fixed save dir column not being updated

-- 2012-03-09: Version 3.1.3 stable (build 26837)
- Fix: Stop anti-virus updating when there is a error
- Change: show info tab by default (instead of files tab)
- Change: show seeds/peers, completed on and added on columns by default
- Fix: fixed bug where locally created torrents would fail to transcode
