Avidemux 2.5.5

Avidemux is videobewerkingssoftware om avi, mpeg (DVD), asf en mp4 (iPod) filmpjes mee te bewerken, filteren en om te zetten naar een ander videoformaat.

Het afgelopen jaar zijn versie 2.5.4 en 2.5.5 verschenen. In deze uitgaven van Avidemux is de nieuwe QT interface de meest in het oog springende vernieuwing. Verder is er ondersteuning voor VP8 (de open video codec van Google) toegevoegd en kan Avidemux Flash Video bestanden beter lezen.

De nieuwe interface van Avidemux

Ten slotte heel veel kleine verbeteringen en geüpdate onderdelen in Avidemux 2.5.5. Onder Windows heet de laatste versie trouwen 2.5.4 (r7200). Avidemux is beschikbaar voor Windows, Mac OS X en Linux. Een Nederlandse vertaling is er (nog) niet.

Release notes:
2011-06-04: 2.5.5. Spring clean up

That version has been in the staging area for way too long.

Small changelog

* Improved FLV reading capabilities

* Improved H264 parsing

* Support for x264 core 110

* (sloppy) support for gcc 4.6
2010-11-01: 2.5.4. updated

Two small notes :

* For linux : Make you sure you grab the 2 small patches available in the forum. One deals with audio device lost when restarting avidemux.

* The Win32 binaries are now available, including the SDK if you want to build your own filters or encoders, courtesy of Gruntster.

A more complete changelog, made by Gruntster also :

* Added support for VP8 video decoding

* Improved decoding of VC-1 video in the MPEG-TS container

* Fixed decoding of UYVY video

* Support for DIB video that requires flipping

* Support for additional DV fourCCs (DVSD, CDVC, cdvc)

* Added support for latest x264 core and updated Qt interface

* Updated the FFmpeg libraries

* Added support for compressed headers, MPEG-2 audio and VP8 video in MKV container

* New AvsFilter for Linux (written by Fahr)

* New OpenGL video renderer for the Qt interface (SDL has been deprecated)

* New Plugin Manager for the Qt interface

* Restored most of the internationalisation support that existed in 2.4

* Compatibility improvements to auto wizards

* Improvements to Unicode support for JavaScript files on MS Windows

* GCC 4.5 support

* Various minor fixes and enhancements
2010-10-24: A small update 2.5.4.

* Support for MKV compressed headers

* Improved VC1 support

* New display : QtOpenGL

* Improved x264 dialog and options


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