Uitgavegeschiedenis Blender

Hieronder vindt u beschrijvingen van de wijzigingen en vernieuwingen in de opeenvolgende versies van Blender.

Blender 2.76

Blender is een professioneel, maar toch gratis, programma voor 3D animatie dat in diverse speelfilms gebruikt is. Blender is een zogeheten 3D content creation suite die uitgebreide mogelijkheden biedt voor 3D modeling.

Blender 2.75 is gisteren uitgebracht. In deze uitgave worden weer heel veel verbeteringen doorgevoerd en nieuwe functies geïntroduceerd. Ook is Blender sneller geworden op diverse onderdelen. Ten slotte zijn heel veel kleine aanpassingen gedaan en honderden fouten opgelost. Blender is nu eveneens beschikbaar gemaakt voor Windows 10. Je kunt alle details over de wijzigingen hieronder nalezen en in de release logs.

Blender is te downloaden voor Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 en 10, Mac OS X en Linux.

Main highlights for this release:

  • Initial support for Pixar's OpenSubdiv geometry subdivision technology.
  • A huge view-port performance boost.
  • Big file browser performance boost and arrow keys navigation support.
  • Node auto-offset feature that helps organizing node layouts.
  • Absolute grid snapping in the 3D view.
  • Sculpting with tiled strokes.
  • Text effect strips for the sequencer, supporting subtitle export
  • As usual, hundreds of bugs fixed and other improvements!

Blender 2.75

Blender is een professioneel, maar toch gratis, programma voor 3D animatie dat in diverse speelfilms gebruikt is. Blender is een zogeheten 3D content creation suite die uitgebreide mogelijkheden biedt voor 3D modeling.

Blender 2.75 is gisteren verschenen. In deze uitgave worden verschillende verbeteringen doorgevoerd en nieuwe functies geïntroduceerd. Multi-view, stereo 3D, cycles rendering, sculpting/painting, animation, modeling, game engine en de gebruikersinterface zijn vernieuwd. Verder zijn heel veel kleine aanpassingen en verbeteringen gedaan en honderden fouten opgelost. Je kunt alle details over de wijzigingen hieronder nalezen.

Blender is te downloaden voor Windows Vista, 7, 8 en 8.1, Mac OS X en Linux.

Blender now supports a fully integrated Multi-View and Stereo 3D pipeline
Cycles has much awaited initial support for AMD GPUs, and a new Light Portals feature.
UI now allows font previews in the file browser.
High quality options for viewport depth of field were added
Modeling has a new Corrective Smooth modifier.
The Decimate modifier was improved significantly.
3D viewport painting now supports symmetry and the distribution of Dynamic Topology was improved
Video Sequence Editor: Placeholders can now replace missing frames of image sequences
Game Engine now allows smoother LOD transitions, and supports mist attributes animation
And: 100s of bug fixes and smaller feature improvements.

Blender 2.74

Blender is een professioneel, maar toch gratis, programma voor 3D animatie dat in diverse speelfilms gebruikt is. Blender is een zogeheten 3D content creation suite die uitgebreide mogelijkheden biedt voor 3D modeling.

Blender 2.74 is uitgebracht. In deze uitgave worden verschillende verbeteringen doorgevoerd en nieuwe functies geïntroduceerd. Cycles rendering, sculpting/painting, animation, modeling, particles, freestyle npr rendering, game engine en de gebruikersinterface zijn vernieuwd. Verder zijn heel veel kleine aanpassingen en verbeteringen gedaan en honderden fouten opgelost. Je kunt alle details over de wijzigingen hieronder nalezen.

Blender is te downloaden voor Windows Vista, 7, 8 en 8.1, Mac OS X en Linux.

Cycles Rendering
Several improvements for BVH like making it watertight, solving several precision issues and reducing noise
Black world backgrounds are now removed from the shader graph, resulting in great speed improvements
Various (and great!) memory optimizations
New Pointiness attribute for the Geometry node
Control texture space of one object by another
And more!

User Interface
New Viewport Compositing brings Ambient Occlusion and Depth of Field right into the Viewport!
View-depth can now be picked using an Eyedropper
An Orphaned Data-blocks Mode was added for data-block management
Deleting of entire object hierarchies
Drag&Drop objects to groups
The Node Editor can now show text-blocks in frames
Customizable camera safe areas
And more!

Support for Custom Normals was added
Transferring data layers between meshes is now possible thanks to a new Mesh Data Transfer operator and modifier
UV handling for Edge- and Vertex Slide was improved
Inverse-square blending for proportional-edit-mode
"Fit Camera View" now works for orthographic cameras as well
A "Split Concave Faces" tool to ensure a convex geometry was added
And more!

Hair dynamics and editing tools were improved massively:
Support for hair collission with meshes
Simulation now happens using volumetric calculations for more realistic results
Strand bending uses a more realistic approach
Controlling of child hair shapes using curve widgets
New "Spiral" kink mode to generate spirals at hair ends
Toggle buttons for render and viewport visibility were added to the particle settings in the Properties Editor
And much more!

Improvements to rake and random mapping
Line strokes now support constrains to 45 degree increments
Texture Painting:
Support for dithering for painting on byte images
A new tool "Cavity Mask" was added that creates masks based on mesh cavities or hills
And more!

Freestyle NPR Rendering
A great memory consumption optimization in stroke rendering was done
And more!

Grease Pencil:
New Editing tools like copy & paste strokes, duplicating active layer, ...
Enable eraser on the fly while drawing with "Continuous Drawing"
Various UI tweaks such as color swatches for Stroke and Fill colors
Grease Pencil data layers are now shown in the Outliner
Improvements to the action management to reduce the cases where unused actions are deleted
Pasting keyframes can now be done flipped
Using a new "Follow" option, the animation editors can now follow the time indicator
And more!

Game Engine
The first contact point of colliding can now be accessed from Python
Usability improvements
New option "Lock Z Velocity" to avoid micro-jumping
And more!

A new Auto Tile Size Add-on helps setting up the fastest tile size for Cycles rendering
Import images as planes now works for Cycles as well
POV-Ray Renderer now supports volumetric rendering
FBX and OBJ now support custom normals import
New Python API functions
And more!

More Features
There are a lot more features that are new in Blender 2.74, so make sure to check them out!

Feature Videos
Have a look at some of the above mentioned features in the demo videos made by the Blender community. Here you will also find the Developer Sneak Peak series - a video podcast series that showcases important milestones in the development of every Blender release.

Bug Fixes
As for every Blender release, hundreds of bugs were fixed, thanks to the hardworking Blender developers.

Blender 2.73

Blender is een professioneel, maar toch gratis, programma voor 3D animatie dat in diverse speelfilms gebruikt is. Blender is een zogeheten 3D content creation suite die uitgebreide mogelijkheden biedt voor 3D modeling.

Blender 2.73 is gisteren verschenen. In deze versie worden verschillende verbeteringen doorgevoerd en nieuwe functies geïntroduceerd. Met name de Grease Pencil tool is sterk uitgebreid. Ook cycles rendering, sculpting/painting, animation, modeling, sequencer, freestyle npr rendering en de gebruikersinterface zijn vernieuwd. Verder zijn heel veel kleine aanpassingen en verbeteringen gedaan en honderden fouten opgelost.

Blender is te downloaden voor Windows XP, Vista, 7 en 8, Mac OS X en Linux.

A major upgrade was given to the Grease Pencil tool, which inter alia brought the ability to edit and animate strokes. The first developments from the Gooseberry Project like a Sequencer Backdrop, Cycles viewport world background and others were added. Cycles got various improvements and speedups, as well as support for cameras inside volumes, the UI got a new 'minimalistic' fullscreenmode and Input Method Editor support for textbuttons (used for complex Chinese and Japanese character input), the Knife-tool was improved, Freestyle got a SVG exporter, and many more features which are worth checking out!

Cycles Rendering
Volume Rendering:
Rendering with cameras inside volume meshes is now supported
Cubic voxels interpolation is a new option helping to avoid artifacts on low resolution smoke simulations
Faster rendering of homogeneous volumes

Support for GeForce 9xx GPUs
Improved rendering with area lights
Viewport specularity for the viewport is now also implemented for Cycles
And more!

User Interface
A new fullscreen mode without any buttons or other "annoying" elements to improve the UI
The 3D View got an option to display the world background right from the viewport
Pie Menus:
Confirm Threshold to confirm a pie menu without releasing the original key
Nested Pie Menus (a Pie Menu within a Pie Menu) are now supported

Chinese and Japanese complex character input:
General support for Input Method Editors (IMEs) has been added
Only supported for text buttons for now
Only supported on Windows and Linux for now
Supported is Sougou (Chinese), Bing (Chinese), QQ (Chinese) and Microsoft integrated (Japanese)
And now guess why we have a Chinese Splash! ;)

And more!

Cuts can now be created using free-hand drawing
Cut-loops can now be closed by double click

A new selection method "Select Similar Regions" was added
You can now skip adjacent faces while using the select more/less function

And more!

Texture Painting:
The Add Simple Uvs operator for texture painting now uses a simpler unwrap method for better quick UV layouts
Face-mask edges are now hidden to give proper visual feedback while working with masks

Changing brush size, detail size and strength can now be done using numeric keyboard input
Brush strength can now also be changed for Grab and Snake Hook brushes

A Backdrop similar to Compositor is now implemented for the Sequencer as well
Strips can now be snapped to other strip's start- and endpoints
A new slip Tool allows moving content within the strip itself

And more!

Freestyle NPR Rendering
Freestyle got a new SVG exporter, implemented as an add-on
View maps can now be cached
More options for chain selection and chain sorting were added

Grease Pencil (which got a major upgrade):
It is now possible to edit and animate strokes (!!!)
New draw styles were added, e.g. filled stroke interiors, volumetric strokes, ...
The Grease Pencil's user interface (which is now completely defined via Python) has gotten a general overhaul
Two quick access pie menus were added

Graph Editor:
Revised the set of operators for showing/hiding curves from the keyframe area
Circle selection for Curves was added

And more!

Collada Importer:
Importing rigs previously caused problems with leaf bones (end bone of a bone chain) so a fix was created for that.
Added an experimental bonechain Finder to predict the longest possible chains of connected bones.

The FBX Add-on now uses some advanced handling/tweaking options for importing and exporting armatures
The Copy and Paste Add-on is now using version 2.0

To Add-on developers: Some changes were made to the Python API, make sure to check them out and update your Add-ons if necessary!

More Features
There are a lot more features that are new in Blender 2.73, so make sure to check them out!

Feature Videos
Look at many of the above features in the Blender Developer Sneak Peeks - a video podcast series that showcases important milestones in the development of every Blender release.

Bug Fixes
As for every Blender release, hundreds of bugs were fixed, thanks to the hardworking Blender developers.

Blender 2.72b

Blender is een professioneel, maar toch gratis, programma voor 3D animatie dat in diverse speelfilms gebruikt is. Blender is een zogeheten 3D content creation suite die uitgebreide mogelijkheden biedt voor 3D modeling.

Blender 2.72b is een week na de vorige uitgave wederom een kleine onderhoudsupdate. Deze keer worden nog eens 18 fouten gerepareerd. Geen nieuwe functionaliteit verder. Alle details kun je nalezen in de release logs (zie link hieronder).

Blender is te downloaden voor Windows XP, Vista, 7 en 8, Mac OS X en Linux.


Blender 2.72a

Blender is een professioneel, maar toch gratis, programma voor 3D animatie dat in diverse speelfilms gebruikt is. Blender is een zogeheten 3D content creation suite die uitgebreide mogelijkheden biedt voor 3D modeling.

Blender 2.72a is een kleine onderhoudsupdate waarin tientallen fouten opgelost worden. Geen nieuwe functionaliteit verder. Alle details kun je nalezen in de release logs (zie link hieronder).

Blender is te downloaden voor Windows XP, Vista, 7 en 8, Mac OS X en Linux.


Blender 2.72

Blender is een professioneel, maar toch gratis, programma voor 3D animatie dat in diverse speelfilms gebruikt is. Blender is een zogeheten 3D content creation suite die uitgebreide mogelijkheden biedt voor 3D modeling.

Blender 2.72 is een onderhoudsupdate waarin tientallen fouten opgelost worden. Ook kent deze uitgave diverse vernieuwingen en verbeteringen aan onder andere de cycles rendering, animation, modelling, sculpting/painting, freestyle NPR rendering en game engine. Ook is de gebruikersinterface uitgebreid. In de release logs van Blender kun je alle details nalezen (link hieronder).

Blender is te downloaden voor Windows XP, Vista, 7 en 8, Mac OS X en Linux.

Uitgave opmerkingen:
Cycles GPU rendering now supports Volume and Subsurface Scattering. The User Interface comes with optional Pie Menus and the Tooltips have been improved. For Modeling, a new Intersection Tool has been added in Edit Mode. Texture painting workflow has been streamlined with easy access to painted images and UV layers. The Compositor has a new Sun Beam node. Freestyle NPR rendering is now available with Cycles as well. Additionally, Blender 2.72 features three new addons.

Blender 2.71

Blender is een professioneel, maar toch gratis, programma voor 3D animatie dat in diverse speelfilms gebruikt is. Blender is een zogeheten 3D content creation suite die uitgebreide mogelijkheden biedt voor 3D modeling.

Blender 2.71 is een onderhoudsupdate waarin tientallen fouten opgelost worden. Ook kent deze uitgave diverse vernieuwingen en verbeteringen aan onder andere de cycles rendering, animation, modelling, sculpting/painting en game engine. Zo kun je onder andere makkelijker vuur en rook maken nu.

Blender is te downloaden voor Windows XP, Vista, 7 en 8, Mac OS X en Linux.

Uitgave opmerkingen:
Much awaited new features for Cycles renderer include deformation motion blur, fire/smoke and volume rendering and a baking API. User interface now allows for draggable popups and resizable preview widgets. Animation has new interpolation types with “easing equations” presets. Modeling now allows to “split normals” and Sculpting/Painting has new HSL color wheel and constant detail in dyntopo. Game development now allows deactivating logic bricks, multi-threaded animations, cast only materials and “unlimited” action layers. Freestyle NPR rendering has a new textured strokes feature, along with line sorting options.

Blender 2.70

Blender is een professioneel, maar toch gratis, programma voor 3D animatie dat in diverse speelfilms gebruikt is. Blender is een zogeheten 3D content creation suite die uitgebreide mogelijkheden biedt voor 3D modeling.

Blender 2.70 is gisteren uitgebracht na een half jaar ontwikkeltijd. Deze uitgave kent diverse vernieuwingen en verbeteringen aan onder andere de cycles rendering, motion tracker, game engine en freestyle NPR rendering en meer. Ook is de interface licht aangepast: werktuigen zijn nu gerangschikt onder diverse tabbladen. Ten slotte zijn maar liefst 560 fouten opgelost in deze versie van Blender.

Blender is te downloaden voor Windows XP, Vista, 7 en 8, Mac OS X en Linux.

Uitgave opmerkingen:

New features include initial support for volumetrics in Cycles, and faster rendering of hair and textures. The motion tracker now supports weighted tracks and has improved planar tracking. For mesh modeling there are new Laplacian deform and wireframe modifiers, along with more control in the bevel tool. The game engine now supports object levels of detail.

The first results from the new user interface project are also in this release, with dozens of changes to make the interface more consistent and powerful. This is also the first release of the multithreaded dependency graph, which makes modifier and constraint evaluation faster in scenes with multiple objects.

Blender 2.69

Blender is een professioneel, maar toch gratis, programma voor 3D animatie dat in diverse speelfilms gebruikt is. Blender is een zogeheten 3D content creation suite die uitgebreide mogelijkheden biedt voor 3D modeling.

Blender 2.69 is gisteren verschenen. Deze uitgave kent diverse vernieuwingen en verbeteringen waardoor onder andere haren en de lucht er beter uitzien in animaties. Verder wordt FBX importeren nu ondersteund. Behalve deze toevoegingen zijn ook 270 fouten opgelost sinds de vorige versie.

Blender is te downloaden voor Windows XP, Vista, 7 en 8, Mac OS X en Linux.

Uitgave opmerkingen:

The Blender Foundation and online developer community is proud to present Blender 2.69.

FBX import is now supported, along with improved export. New mesh modeling tools were added and existing ones improved. Cycles subsurface scattering and hair shading were improved, along with the addition of a new sky model, shading nodes and tone mapping in the viewport. The motion tracker now supports plane tracking, to track and replace flat objects
